Now that you’ve completed Discover PHFWC (the introduction class to the church), we invite you to find a great place to serve. There are SO MANY amazing opportunities to be a part of what God is doing in our local church and in our community. From serving on our Media Team to helping in the Children’s Ministry, volunteering in our Café or welcoming newcomers to our church…there’s a place for everyone! Check out the opportunities listed below. 

Hospitality Team

Our hospitality team offers a vital connection to everyone in our church during services and special events. Be part of a welcoming group of individuals that help facilitate in-service elements, offer assistance around our facilities and create a loving atmosphere for everyone. 


Dinners and Events

Bring a helping hand to prepare, clean and serve during special events and dinners.


Media Team

Be part of this creative ministry that produces videos and electronic communication within the church and beyond. Training is available.



Share your gifts and talents on the drama team. Join our annual Easter production as well as other special presentations during the year.


Sound and Projection Team

Volunteer and be trained to run the sound and/or run the projection system for services and special events.


Children’s Team

Help facilitate a loving and welcoming environment for our kids ages birth-5th grade. Training and all teaching materials are provided. Be part of a great team of teachers and helpers encouraging our next generation of leaders.


Youth Team

Mentor and encourage middle school and high school students as they grow as young Christ-followers. This is a great opportunity to connect with our future generation. High energy and passion for greatness surround each youth meeting.


Cleaning Team

Help keep our facilities clean inside and outside on our church grounds. Volunteers are needed for weekly or monthly help. This is a great way to help as we continue to be good stewards of what God has given us.